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Making Friends with the M in STEM

STEM Santa Fe is proud to have brought for the first time in New Mexico the Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival in Santa Fe. This Festival is meant to inspire students to explore the richness and beauty of mathematics through activities that encourage collaborative, creative problem-solving. The Festival introduces kids to the beauty of mathematics by providing interesting, inspiring, engaging, and thought-provoking problems.

Program information

Quick Facts about Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival:

  • Our mission is to inspire student interest and joy in mathematics through creative and collaborative problem-solving
  • First festival at Google in 2007
  • The festival has been in 16 US states and 3 countries
  • Numerous universities, including Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Yale, etc, have hosted the festival

Middle school-aged boys and girls come together to explore thought-provoking mathematics in a social and cooperative atmosphere.

Other math enrichment programs are being offered and under development.

Event Registration Process

Events Dates and Locations

STEM Saturdays at Santa Fe Public Library

Saturdays 3-5 PM June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23
Middle school or tween age children but any child and adult with an interest is welcome
Santa Fe Public Library - South Branch
Event Picture

Using fun math games and interactive models kids can explore spatial and mathematical concepts in a lighthearted way.

STEM Santa Fe collaborated with the Santa Fe Public Library to offer summer STEM programming to rising middle school and early high school students. STEM Saturday lessons included GSK “Science in the Summer” engineering kits, hands-on math activities with the MathHappens Foundation, and explorations into the science behind renewable energy.

This event is a collaboration of STEM Santa Fe and Math Happens

Register Here

Walk-ins Welcome

Sold out

Registration is closed

Events Dates and Locations

Community Math Festival - Southside

Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival

Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
Time: 12:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: Santa Fe Teen Center, 6600 Valentine Way, Santa Fe, NM 87507

Community Math Festival for all ages from 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Community Fair from 2:00pm - 3:30pm

STEM Santa Fe is hosting a Julia Robinson Math Festival in partnership with the City of Santa Fe and MathAmigos. Come interact with mathematical reasoning and problem-solving games in a unique, hands-on fair! Food and drinks as well as special goodies and raffle prizes will be provided.

A community fair with demonstrations, resources, and more will follow!

This event is Sold Out

Este sesión esta saturada

Registration is closed

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Our team will contact you if/when space become available for this event.
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or call (505) 570-5402

This program over the years

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